Ensuring Server-Side Only Code Execution in Next.js


As Next.js continues to evolve, managing server-side and client-side code execution becomes increasingly important. In this article, we'll explore various approaches to ensure specific code runs exclusively on the server side in Next.js applications.

Understanding the Problem

When building Next.js applications, you might encounter scenarios where certain code should never be executed on the client side, such as:

  • Accessing sensitive environment variables
  • Performing direct database operations
  • Handling sensitive API keys
  • Executing complex business logic that should remain private

Running such code on the client side could lead to security vulnerabilities or expose sensitive information. Let's explore how to prevent this.


1. Server Components

The most straightforward approach in modern Next.js applications is using React Server Components. By default, all components in the app directory are Server Components.

1// app/page.tsx 2async function ServerOnlyComponent() { 3 // This code will only run on the server 4 const sensitiveData = process.env.API_SECRET; 5 const dbResult = await db.query('SELECT * FROM users'); 6 7 return <div>{/* Render your data */}</div> 8}

2. Server Actions

Server Actions provide a way to define server-only functions that can be called from the client:

1'use server' 2 3export async function serverAction() { 4 // This code will only execute on the server 5 const result = await database.query() 6 return result 7}

3. Route Handlers

Route Handlers in the app directory provide a modern way to handle API-like functionality while ensuring server-side execution:

1// app/api/sensitive-operation/route.ts 2import { NextResponse } from 'next/server' 3 4export async function GET() { 5 // This code only runs on the server 6 const secret = process.env.API_SECRET 7 // Perform server-only operations 8 return NextResponse.json({ result: 'success' }) 9} 10 11export async function POST(request: Request) { 12 const data = await request.json() 13 // Server-side data processing 14 const result = await processData(data) 15 return NextResponse.json({ result }) 16}

Route Handlers support various HTTP methods and provide built-in TypeScript support. They're more powerful than traditional API routes with features like:

  • Response streaming
  • Request body parsing
  • Form data handling
  • CORS configuration

4. Using the 'server-only' Package

For extra security, you can use the official 'server-only' package:

1import 'server-only' 2 3export async function getSecretData() { 4 // This will throw an error if imported from client components 5 const secret = process.env.API_SECRET; 6 return secret; 7}

5. Edge Runtime Indication

For edge runtime specific code:

1export const runtime = 'edge' // 'nodejs' | 'edge' 2 3export default function Page() { 4 // This ensures the code runs in edge runtime 5}

Best Practices

  1. Clear File Organization: Keep server-only code in clearly marked directories or files.
  2. Use TypeScript: Leverage TypeScript to catch potential server/client code mixing at compile time.
  3. Environment Variables: Use the NEXT_PUBLIC_ prefix deliberately for client-safe variables.
  4. Documentation: Clearly document which parts of your code are server-only.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  1. Mixing Concerns: Don't mix server and client code in the same component without clear separation.
  2. Environment Variables: Never access non-public environment variables in client components.
  3. Direct Database Access: Never attempt database operations directly from client components.


Ensuring code runs only on the server in Next.js applications is crucial for security and proper application architecture. By leveraging Server Components, Server Actions, Route Handlers, and following best practices, you can maintain a clear separation between server and client code.

Remember that the approach you choose should align with your specific use case and Next.js version. Server Components and Server Actions represent the modern approach in Next.js 13+, while Route Handlers provide a more powerful solution.